superpowers of adhd
While ADHD can make many parts of life feel like an uphill climb, it also provides unique abilities to its subjects.
Date Nights for reconnection for any budget
Here are some ideas for date nights at no cost, low cost, medium cost, and high cost!
Why therapy?
There are a million reasons why I think you should start therapy, but I’m a therapist, so I am a little biased. I want you to hear from real people just like you who have actually done therapy. These are not my clients; these are just people who believe that therapy works and that therapy is worth it!
How to choose a therapist
The number one reason people say they haven’t started therapy is that they do not know how to find the right therapist for them. There are thousands of therapists in each state, and unless you know exactly what you are doing, sifting through them all can be a daunting task. In this article, I’m going to break it down for you so that you can finally take the next steps to starting your own healing journey.
Reduce Stress asap
It seems the American Dream has turned us all into constantly moving, stress zombies. Many of my clients talk to me about how stressed they are, and about how they feel this level of stress is inevitable in 2023. No one seems to be getting enough sleep, no one seems to have enough time to relax, and almost everyone seems to be desperate for a change.
Relationship tools for reconnection
Want to get a head start on reconnecting with your partner? These tools offer simple, tangible ways to grow closer to one another.