Date Nights for reconnection for any budget

No Cost

Go for a long walk around your neighborhood. Talk through your highs and lows of the day. Make sure you are really listening to one another; don’t just wait for your turn to talk. Next, share some worries that you have been preoccupied with. Talk about things you are looking forward to, both together and individually. After your walk, light a few candles, turn on Frank Sinatra, and begin cooking dinner together. When it’s all ready, eat dinner by candlelight. Take turns telling each other things you appreciate about one another.

Low Cost

Surprise your partner with a picnic! First, take stock of what you already have at home…crackers, pickles, dried fruits, cheese… Run to the store and grab a few more things to finish your charcuterie picnic. Pack a blanket to sit on, a few drinks, and stake out a peaceful picnic spot. During your picnic, you can watch the sunset and reminisce on how far your relationship has come. Talk about when you first met, what drew you to one another, and maybe even what you hope for your future together. If you want to go the extra mile, write a small love letter to give to your partner at the picnic.

Medium Cost

Go out on the town! Dress a little nicer than you normally do, and take your honey for a night out. Find a new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try, and order different dishes so you can pretend to be food critics, talking through what you like and don’t like. Even if you wouldn’t normally, order a dessert to share. In this date, I want you to really notice your partner. Imagine for a moment that you are seeing them for the first time, as the other strangers in the restaurant are seeing them. Notice their desirability, lean into your attraction towards them.

High Cost

Take a trip! How long has it been since the two of you were able to spend some time, just the two of you, away from work, home stress, and everything else?! If you have the means, I’m always an advocate for a vacation. Here in America, I believe we work too much and do not spend enough time enjoying life’s pleasures. Even if you only have time for a stay-cation, do it! Spend some time taking in new food, views, and experiences together. Research shows that the best way for couples to connect is through shared experiences. Plus, aren’t we all our best selves when we feel rested?!


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