superpowers of adhd

Clients come to me on the cusp of a diagnosis of ADHD. They tend to be feeling a mixture of insecurity, fear, and sometimes relief. I view my role as helping clients add hope to this list. Hope for the future is vital in accepting and managing an ADHD diagnosis. In order to instill hope for these clients, we make lists of their strengths. Often, many of these strengths are actually linked to their ADHD brain. While ADHD can make many parts of life feel like an uphill climb, it also provides unique abilities to its subjects.

  1. Creativity - The ADHD brain is quick! As experts Edward Hallowell and John Ratey proclaim, the ADHD brain is a racecar engine with bicycle brakes. Because of this rapid processing, the ADHD brain is able to make connections, recognize patterns, and come up with new ideas much more swiftly than a neurotypical brain. The ADHD brain also loves to seek out novelty- it is driven by a desire for new, exciting things! This insatiable curiosity, combined with its quick thinking, fuels incredible creativity.

  2. Set up for Success - As mentioned above, the ADHD brain seeks novelty. It gets bored doing the same old job every day. It wants dopamine! This can be hugely impactful on careers, as it can propel people to climb that corporate ladder, go back to school to learn something new, and/ or drive them to start their own business! When channeling your ADHD superpowers, you can set yourself up for great success.

  3. Insightful - People with ADHD often face challenges with emotional regulation and rejection sensitivity. This can lead them to seek therapy. However, the ADHD brain excels at pattern recognition, which can make them keenly aware of negative patterns in their own behavior. This combination of needing emotional support and a strong ability to identify unhelpful patterns creates a foundation for significant personal growth.


Hallowell, E & Ratey, J. (2021). ADHD 2.0: New science and essential strategies for thriving with distraction—from childhood through adulthood.


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